
Giving to the Library

There are many different ways to support the Vicksburg District Library, and we appreciate each and every one of them.

The Development Fund

This fund is for the future of the Library. When the time comes to expand the building or redesign and refurnish the current building, gifts of $1000 and more given for this purpose will be used. All donors to this fund will be noted on the Library’s Annual Report and will eventually be named on a permanent plaque in the Library.

The Annual Fund

You can make a difference right now by making a gift of any amount to the Library’s Annual Fund. This fund is for the current operations of the Library to provide for programs, resources and equipment that are not possible with current public funding. Examples are: The Summer Reading Program, other youth programs, enhanced technology or any of the Library’s collections. These gifts are recognized in the Annual Report.

The Endowment Fund

Established by the Gardner family, this fund is invested though the Kalamazoo Foundation. From it the Library receives an annual income to use for programs, materials or furnishings. Endowment fund donors will be recognized in the Annual Report and those of $1000 or more eventually on a plaque.


Donations are made to the Memorial Fund to purchase library materials in memory of a friend or loved one or to commemorate some event. Books or other will be purchased and a plate inserted that notes the name of the person or event being honored. A permanent record of these donors and the items purchased are kept in a special Memorial Book.

Gifts to any of these funds can also be made via a trust or a simple bequest as part of your estate planning. A bequest to the Vicksburg District Library creates a legacy for generations of families. Many generous donors have remembered the Library as they prepare their wills.

Tax Benefits of Giving to the Library

For all monetary donations you will receive a Thank You card that notes the amount of your gift which can be used for tax purposes. At your request we can also give you a form with that information.
Federal income taxes: Your whole contribution is deductible as a charitable contribution in the year of payment as an itemized deduction. Consult your tax professional for advice on charitable donations.